Area 14 News graphic


Hello to all.
I hope you are all well and enjoying your sobriety. Please keep in your prayers those members who are enduring the wildfires in our area. At our last Assembly we elected Ann P. to serve the remainder of this year as our new Secretary. Congratulations Ann. At our next Assembly we will be electing an Archivist. The position was approved at our last Assembly.

The order of business used at our last Assembly seems to have been well received, so I will use it at this Assembly also. I congratulate all who attended the last Assembly for their hard work, and cooperation, which allowed us to accomplish a great deal.

We will be discussing the proposal from the Growth Committee regarding a method of taking control of the State Convention when it occurs in North Florida. We will discuss and vote on a proposal to put the Accessibilities Pamphlet on the web site, for easy down load. We will be looking into several areas to try to help our Hispanic members by providing more materials for them in Spanish. I will look into having Spanish versions of the GSR Orientation packet available for them, we will have Spanish language service manuals in the Grapevine/LaVina room, and we are looking into translating the Structure and Guidelines into Spanish.

At the July Assembly we will be hosting Steve P. South Florida Area 15 Delegate. Steve will speak on Saturday night.

July will be when those who wish to stand for officer for North Florida for the 2007/2008 term will be asked to announce. I am adding to the web site a form for Service Resumes, I am also adding to the website a form for those who would like to volunteer as a Service Coordinator for the 2007/2008 term. Feel free to down load them and fill them out. WE NEED GOOD PEOPLE TO SERVE. Service coordinator resumes should be turned in to the newly elected chair at the October Assembly.

Yours in Service,

When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
I want the hand of AA always to be there.
And for that: I AM RESPONSIBLE
My cell phone is (EDITTED FOR INTERNET), please let me know how I can be of service to you.


At this Assembly, please come and exercise your "Right of Participation" in any of the following workshops:

Please refer to the agenda in your minutes for the time of each workshop.

  • ACCESSIBILITIES: No info at present
  • ARCHIVES: Will have an early history bok for sale, and will talk about non-alcoholics who have helped our fellowship
  • COOPERATION w/PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY: Will discuss the history of CPC in
  • CORRECTIONS: A person from the Chaplain's office will speak
  • GRAPEVINE:No info at present
  • INTERGROUP: Will discuss the Guidelines for Intergroups
  • LITERATURE: No info at present
  • PUBLIC INFORMATION: Will discuss the workbook for PI
  • TREATMENT: Discuss the Bridging the Gap program
  • FINANCE: Discuss the 2007 budget
  • GROWTH: Proposal for only past DCMs to be allowed to stand for Area Chair and Alternate Chair
  • SITE & AGENDA: Nothing firm at this time

Next Assembly is July 14, 15 and 16
Make your reservations three weeks prior to get our conference rate.

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