Area 14 News graphic



Hello to all,

The upcoming assembly in April will focus on agenda items for the General Service Conference in New York.  Our delegate, Fred H., will be looking for the Area’s group conscience on agenda items that will be discussed in the administrative committee meetings and workshops on Saturday.  Saturday night will be the Conference Agenda Meeting instead of a speaker meeting and Sunday morning will be the usual business meeting. 

There will be a workshop on Leadership in AA presented by Past Delegate, Dan E. on Saturday.  This topic is timely since we are in an election year and anyone interested in standing for an officers’ position can make that known at the July assembly. 

Additionally, in the DCM workshop we will discuss how to prepare your successors.  Finally, District 33 will present our first workshop in Spanish! Check the agenda for times and locations for the above mentioned workshops.  I look forward to seeing you all.

Love and service,
Tina C-L.
Area 14 Chair


I recently received the Agenda items and a CD containing the background information for the 2008 General Service Conference and as I am writing this the information is being mailed out to Area Officers, Administrative Chairs, Service Coordinators and DCMs.  I am pleased to inform you that Area 14 has two items on the Conference Agenda this year.

During the first weekend of February I attended the General Service Board and Grapevine Board meetings in New York City as the Delegate Chairperson for the Grapevine and LaVina Conference Committee.  Chet P., Alternate Delegate and I also attended the Delegates Get Together in Atlanta on the weekend of February 8, 2008.

I am looking forward to continuing to serve as your delegate during the rest of 2008 and hopefully visit all of your districts to meet with you.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Yours in Service,
Fred H.
Area 14 Delegate

April Assembly Conference Agenda Items

The following is a preview of an agenda item to be discussed in committee meetings and workshops (please refer to the agenda for the time of each workshop):

  • ARCHIVES: Discuss ideas for making A.A.’s archives and history more readily available to the Fellowship in the future.
  • COOPERATION w/PROFESSIONAL COMMUNITY: Consider the draft Video Segments Directed to Professionals.
  • CORRECTIONS: Review service piece “Corrections A.A. Group Handbook”
  • GRAPEVINE: Consider publishing two CDs of stories from La Viña on Traditions One – Twelve.
  • LITERATURE: Consider a request to change the title of the pamphlet “44 Questions” to “FAQ” subtitled “Frequently Asked Questions About A.A.”
  • PUBLIC INFORMATION: Review and approve final draft of the “Alcoholics Anonymous 2007 Membership Survey” pamphlet.
  • TREATMENT: Discuss the possible development of Conference-approved literature and/or service material to stimulate A.A. members’ interest in Treatment Facilities Twelfth Step work.
  • Web Site: TBA
  • FINANCE: Consider the request to “Discuss the benefits and liabilities, both spiritual and practical, of funding the General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous solely by the voluntary contributions of A.A. members and A.A. groups, that profits from literature sales will no longer be used to fund our General Service Office.  Further, consider a procedure for gathering input from the Fellowship as a whole and prepare a report on these discussions for the 2009 Conference.”
  • GROWTH: Consider a suggestion to place a glossary of terms used in the A.A. Service Manual and the Twelve Concepts for World Service after the text of the A.A. Service Manual and directly preceding the index.
  • SITE & AGENDA: Review suggestions for the theme of the 2009 General Service Conference.

Next Assembly is April 4, 5 and 6
Make your reservations three weeks prior to get our conference rate.

District 33
Spanish Language District

The North Florida Area Spanish Linguistic District (33) has their own office and web site. For more information contact:

Distrito 33 del Area Norte de la Florida de Alcólicos Anónimos
1308 Rose Blvd. #D
Orlando, FL 32839
Telefono 407-240-1181

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